Hello World!

I have been planning this journey for a long time.  I have made a life of being nomadic in nature, and spirited in achievements.  I have lived in seven states, attended nine schools, achieved two college Science degrees and an educational endorsement, been a loyal partner for 23 years, and have experienced natural childbirth three times over.  The weather has been stormy at times, but the sun shines bright from all angles anyway, filling my ambition with an arch of sheer energy and vibrant aspirations.  Truly, this journey is my destination, and I have a new path before me.

Placerville Meadow

In 1990, I realized midway through my first college Science class that I was astounded and enthralled at the miraculous world of life surrounding our daily droning.  My eyes were opened to the systems that are intricately connected in all living things, and our absolute interdependence on each other.  I had never realized this until I studied organ systems, ecology, climatology and the multitude of my college program courses that came afterwards.  I was utterly annoyed that I hadn’t been taught these things before I was an adult.  That was when I decided I would be a Science teacher.  A single college Biology instructor had sparked a fire within me that none of the teachers in all those other schools ever had and changed my course.  I had more respect for the natural world, for myself as a remarkable human being, and for the hard nosed talent it takes for an instructor to have that effect on others.  I wanted to open minds to the study of Life.


I fulfilled the desire to become a Science teacher and focused on at-risk youth who had fallen through the cracks due to learning disorders, over intelligence, or simply lack of attention in the direct instruction model of public schools.  I taught the same range of kids during summer school, and took over in all kinds of subjects when the necessity came my way.  Six weeks here, full semesters there, all the while keeping students on track and engaged through the changes.  It gave me great confidence and gratitude to help students rise to the challenges life put in front of them.  I felt success holding them accountable for what is required and necessary as they all developed character and critical thinking.  After years in the the teaching profession I made a tough decision.  I chose to step outside the classroom and become a mother myself.  My husband and I have since raised our own children into students themselves.  I decided to fully engage in that experience, planning all along to return to my chosen path when I found it before my feet again.  The path is clear.


Now the time has come to continue my journey as an educator.  Although the core of the lessons are the same, the tools to learn them have significantly changed.  I have so much to learn and this is where my new journey begins.  I am looking forward to every step along the way.